For those that have not heard the news, we are expecting TWINS in June!
This is very exciting news for us Rasmussen's. Ariya has requested a brother & a sister; statistically speaking, I have a good chance of 'delivering' on that request (pun intended).
On 12.12.12; I was reached 12 weeks; spooooky.
From the ultrasound on 12.10.2012:
FINDINGS: There is a twin gestation noted. Twin A has a crown-rump length of 5.8 cm for gestational age of 12 weeks 2 days. Fetal heart tones are present at 177 beats per minute. Placenta is located anteriorly. Twin B has a crown-rump length of 5.9 cm for gestational age of 12 weeks 1 day for an estimated date of confinement of 6/23/2013. Fetal heart tones are present 155 beats per minute.
1. Twin A has a heart rate of 177 beats per minute. Gestational age is 12 weeks 2 days for an estimated date of confinement of 6/22/2013. (Girls tend to have higher bpm than boys at this stage!!).
2. Twin B has a heart rate of 155 beats per minute. Gestational age is 12 weeks 1 day for an estimated date of confinement of 6/23/2013.