Whoa - super late on my latest updates...
Christmas came & went with only 1 injury to the boys; Jacob took a digger at daycare and has his first of what should be many scars. I think it makes him look tough!
The three amigos grow closer each day! James is a rolly-polly machine with his bottom 2 teeth through and his top teeth cutting now. Jacob loves to sit, stand & bounce - little to no interest in rolling yet. He's going to be pulling himself up on the furniture as soon as I let him! Both boys are eating 'human' food now. I've been making butternut squash, carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, avocados, mangos, and banana meals for them for a few weeks now.
Ms Ariya has her first ballet recital on January 31st and we are so excited to see her big dance number! It will be to one of her favorite songs, Jingle Bells. I'm sure this will be an adorable show put on by 20 three-five year old ballerinas. She is also in Little Level 3 for swimming and should start up her last round of Littles in the spring; she's our little mermaid-in-training and we are SO proud of her.
Here's a link to our fantastic photo session from this fall; our photographer posted some nice shots that I had forgotten about AND called Ariya a boss; well played.